Monday, May 18, 2009

Reflection: Liberty Live Tour 2008

Fall semester of 2008, UNC and Duke's Vision for North Korea along with a host of other colleges and universities in the nation, took part in the Liberty Live Tour. LiNK along with an indie-rock band Miss Vintage and LA's independent songwriter Andy Grammer traveled from state to state to raise awareness for North Korean human rights. In UNC's jazzy cabaret, students enjoyed a coffee house and awesome music, and learned about North Korea through the presentation of LiNK's video 'LIfe in North Korea' (see below). Although short, it gave an encapsulated synopsis of the current situation in North Korea. Moved by the information presented them, students wrote politically-invoked messages on a piece of cardboard. Individual head-shot photos were taken with the message in order to let the policy makers see the faces of university students who care about North Korea and speak out against the military regime's inhumaness. On my cardboard, I wrote, "God loves people in North Korea."

Liberty Live Tour Promo Video

Life In North Korea

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